A research was carried out on cashew variety Vengurla-4 at farmer’s field in hilly area of the Dangs district, Gujarat, India during 2018 and 2019 to study the association between the incidence of apple and nut borer of cashew and abiotic factors. Regular weekly observations were recorded on the per cent damage of the pest. Apple and nut borer incidence was confined during January to May with maximum damage during April and was negatively influenced by evening and mean relative humidity as well as bright sunshine hours.
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Author Name: Damasia D. M., Patel Z. P. and Thesia N. M.
Keywords: Abiotic factors, apple and nut borer, cashew, incidence, Thylocoptila panrosema
ISSN: 2582-8053
EOI/DOI: https://doi.org/10.52804/ijaas
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