

Study of the constrictor properties of the neobladder under the influence of new chemical compounds in vivo experiment

The orthotopic ileocystoplasty is the most preferred urine derivation method for patients after removal of the bladder. The best quality of life, self-esteem, cosmetic appearance of one’s own body, and the possibility of physiological urination characterize the artificial bladder as the “gold standard” of urine derivation. There are a greater number of postoperative complications associated with the functionality of the neobladder, considering the complexity of orthotopic derivation of urine. The autocaturation is required in some patients day or night urinary incontinence, and in the other group, periodic urinary retention. Urinary retention is more common in women up to 43 % compared with 20 % in men, who need intermittent catheterization. The aim of investigation was to evaluate the possibility of pharmacological correction of contractile activity of mini-pigs neobladder in vivo, under the influence of new chemical compounds and the anticholinesterase drug nivalin. Materials and methods Experimental studies were performed on 21 female mini-pigs, with an average age of 6 to 14 months. The duration of the experiment was 12 months. Performing of enterocystometry in experimental animals is possible only under anesthesia and, accordingly, only part of the urodynamic parameters can be obtained. Results. The obtained results of in vivo experimental studies demonstrated the constrictor activity of the studied new chemical compounds. Compound I in comparison with the control group statistically significantly increased basal tone by 62.09 %, the amplitude of contractions by 37.34 %, and the duration of contractions by 35.71 %. The new chemical compound II, in comparison with the control group, showed less pronounced results of constrictor activity, so the basal tone statistically significantly increased by 38.86 %, and the amplitude of contractions by 15.0 %. Conclusion. Thus, under the influence of new chemical compounds in the conditions of an experimental artificial bladder, constrictor properties are proved, which require further research and study. In turn, cholinomimetic nivalin has prospects for use in urology, in particular in patients with hypoactive forms of artificial and neurogenic bladder.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: cystectomy, ileocystoplasty, constrictor properties, new chemical compounds, n i v a l i n , a r t i f i c i a l b l a d d e r , enterocystometry, in vivo

ISSN: 2307-5279

EISSN: 2709-5576

EOI/DOI: 10.26641/2307-5279.25.2.2021.2

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