Composition and diversity of zooplankton provide information on the characteristics and quality of the water body. Biomonitoring (biological surveillance) is the systematic use of living organisms or their responses to determine the quality of the environment. Therefore the present study was carried out in terms of zooplankton analysis in summer and rainy seasons i.e. March-August-2018 in four zones of Nagpur (M.S.) India. Water samples were collected from one sampling station in every month from each zone of Nagpur city. Zooplanktons were sampled using plankton net. By qualitative and quantitative analysis of the zooplankton community, bio indicator species were selected for evaluation of water quality. The results revealed that zooplanktons are present in all wells of the selected zones. The identified zooplankton population in the present study were under 5 groups includes Protozoa, Ostracoda, Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera. Total 24 Zooplankton genera under 5 groups were recorded from the study area. Among the identified zooplankton the gp. Rotifera was dominant with 12 genus followed by Protozoa (8genus), Copepoda (3 genus), Ostracoda (1genus), along with larvae of Copepods, like nauplius, nematode worms and some undesirable mosquito larvae and small fishes also were found in well waters of one zone in the month of May 2018. The findings of the present study will be helpful to improve management plans for well water quality control authorities of the city.
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Author Name: Dr. Archana S. Masram
Keywords: Zones of Nagpur City, Bioindicators, Zooplankton, Water Quality
ISSN: 2582-8800
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