

Plant Mediated Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Evaluation of Its Anti - microbial and Anti - oxidant Activities

In this research paper we have reported the single pot synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) for the first time by utilisation of leaves extract of Himalayan medicinal plant Artemisia roxburghiana. The principle of green chemistry was utilised at maximum possible level to make the synthesis not only environmentally compatible but also cost effective. The obtained nanoparticles are of good shape and size as confirmed by the instrumental techniques such as Powder XRD, HR-TEM, HR-SEM and FT-IR. The average size of the synthesized nanoparticles was between 26 to 35 nm. These nanoparticles then screened for the anti - microbial assay in which it has shown positive activity against E. coli, A. Tereus and C. falcatum. The second application of the synthesized nanoparticles is estimation of anti - oxidant activity against the DPPH. The IC50 value of the nanoparticles is formed to be 53 in EtoH while that of the standard, ascorbic acid was 26 in the same solvent.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Artemisia roxburghiana, Asteraceae, ZnONPs, Antimicrobial activity and Antioxidant activity

ISSN: 0973-3507 print


EOI/DOI: Doi-10.51129/ujpah-june2021-30

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