

Leydig Cell Tumor in Children: a Case Report and Literature Review

Introduction Leydig cell tumors (LCTs) comprising of 1 to 3 percent of testicular cancers in children, one of the single most common symptom in prepubertal patients is painless testicular swelling with or without a sign of precocious puberty. Other symptoms depend on age and the type of tumor. The tumor is usually asymptomatic if secrets androgens can cause precocious puberty in young children. If the tumor secretes estrogens, it can cause rarely gynecomastia in young boys. Case presentation Here we are reporting pure LCTs in a ten-year-old boy presented with gynecomastia. His height and weight were in the normal range. Differential diagnosis of large cell calcifying Sertoli cell or Leydig cell tumor, teratomas and revealed the normal size and echogenicity of both epididymis confirmed the Leydig cell tumor. Conclusions Due to the extremely variable clinical presentation tumor especially children and the importance of maintaining the fertility in this group and increased incidence of malignancy, especially in adolescence early detection and timely treatment are crucial.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Gynecomastia Precocious Puberty Testicular Tumor

ISSN: 2717-042X

EISSN: 2717-042X

EOI/DOI: 10.22034/TRU.2020.246610.1031

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