

Readiness and Expectations of University Students for e-learning Environments (Kastamonu University Example)

The aim of this study is to examine university students' readiness and expectations regarding e-learning environments with a cross-sectional survey research. Especially in distance education, which is seen as a savior of the pandemic period today, it is not enough for institutions to prepare their infrastructure and learning management systems that will serve learners, it is necessary to determine how ready the teacher learners who will use the platforms are for this learning system. Institutions generally prepare their trainers, which are an important component of the system, with special trainings and provide opportunities for them to develop their competencies. Those who are an important component of this system and directly affect the success of the system are learners. This is the determination of learners' readiness for distance education, in other words, e-learning environments. For this purpose, the scale of readiness and expectation regarding e-learning processes was used by Gülbahar (2015). Data were collected from 1535 students in the fall semester of 2016-2018 academic year. It was found that students' preparedness and expectations towards e-learning environments were at a moderate level.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Distance education, readiness, university student, joint courses, distance education


EISSN: 2757-6353


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