

Determining the Criteria for Creating Metaphors Regarding the Concept of "Lifeless"

The aim of the study is to determine the metaphors that students have created for the concept of "inanimate" and the criteria for creating metaphors (the features that connect the metaphor to the subject). By analyzing the content of the data obtained from the students through the interview form, 197 valid metaphors were obtained. In creating metaphors, objects in the immediate environment, daily items and abstract concepts were generally used. In creating the metaphor, the items they use daily in and out of the classroom were used as a source. As the feature (criterion) that connects the metaphor created for the concept of "lifeless" to the subject; not being able to move, not being able to grow and develop, not being able to feed, deforming, inability to take shape by itself, man-made objects, inability to think, harm, being precious, being silent or inability to speak, inability to breathe, to be durable, to have large space, lighting He used the metaphor of inability to work, fragmentation, reproduction and renewal as the attribute that connects to the subject.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Metaphor, lifeless concept, 6.7. and 8th Grade.


EISSN: 2757-6353


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