

Examination of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Ability to Make Algebraic Proof

In this study, it was aimed to determine the difficulties they faced in the process of creating an algebraic proof by examining the situation of prospective mathematics teachers to make an algebraic proof. The case study design was used in this study. 5 prospective mathematics teachers were included voluntarily in the study. The proving process of the participants was recorded by video. The implemantations, each lasting an average of fifteen minutes, were videotaped by the researchers and analyzed by descriptive analysis. In the light of the findings obtained, it was determined that the prospective mathematics teachers had difficulties such as not being able to start the proof in the process of creating a proof, not being able to use this feature and definition while creating the proof even though they know which feature and definition to use in the proof.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: algebraic proof, mathematical proof, proving


EISSN: 2757-6353


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