

Investigation of The Possibilities for Mathematical Reasoning Skills Candidate Mathematics Teachers Offer Their Students

This study was conducted with 4 pre-service teachers to learn about the opportunities for mathematical reasoning skills that pre-service teachers of primary school mathematics education offer to their students who teach teaching practice experiences. Qualitative study approach was adopted in the study and case study design was used. Video recordings and observation were used as data collection tools in the study. The data obtained from the lecture videos were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The videos recorded in the study process were analyzed based on the analysis process defined by Bergqvist and Lithner (2012) after turning them into verbal form. It was found from the analyses of data obtained in the study that candidate teachers rarely offer students reasoning opportunities related to mathematical reasoning skills and in general view these opportunities are limited.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Mathematical reasoning skills, candidate teachers, teaching practice


EISSN: 2757-6353


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