This compilation expresses the most frequent diagnostic entities found during Proyecto Mayú’s specialized medical attention in rural communities in Kavanayén, Bolívar (2016-2017); Turgua, Miranda (2017); Río Karuay, Bolívar (2017); Chichiriviche de la Costa, La Guaira (2017-2018); Chuspa, La Guaira (2018), La Urbana, Bolívar (2018) and La Marroquina, Yaracuy (2018). The diagnoses were made by clinical practice with the participation of medical personnel specialized in Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Gyneco-obstetrics, Dermatology, Infectious diseases and Dentistry. Morbidity data was collected using EpiInfo7 and Excel through electronic devices, after which the databases of 2.181 consultations were crossed resulting that the most frequent pathologies represented 57.68% (1.258 consultations), which were: tooth decay (K029), intestinal parasitosis (B829), scabies (B86), hypertension (I10X), gingivitis (K050), among others.
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Author Name: Proyecto Mayū
Keywords: Medical attention; morbidity; pathologies; rural communities.
ISSN: 2542-3428
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