The authors analyzed data on the topic with using descriptive statistics method for answers five research questions which are in line with the aim of the article. The aim of the paper is to perform a comparative study in the field of intellectual property and investment in research in the business sector in the Czech Republic and Poland. Data were drawn from statistical offices in the Czech Republic and Poland. In the Czech Republic. Data was processed using descriptive statistics. The number of patents and utility models has been declining in recent years, while in Poland their number is growing. On the other hand, there is a growing trend of companies investing in science and research, both in the Czech Republic and in Poland. The impulse for companies to invest in R&D is also part of long-term innovation strategies in both countries. In the Czech Republic, it is the strategy of the Czech Republic Country For The Future 2019 - 2030 and in Poland, it is the Long-term national development strategy. The article is important for making a comparison of the issue. This will be the basis for initiating academic research cooperation using tools from the long-term development strategies of both countries, which will bring implicit added value.
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Author Name: Andrea TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Roman ŚMIETAŃSKI
Keywords: patent, utility model, investment, research and development, Czech Republic, Poland.
ISSN: 2537-6179
EISSN: 1857-436X
EOI/DOI: 10.53486/2537-6179.7-1.03
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