

Comparative Evaluation of Effect of White Noise, Nursery Rhymes and Movie Songs as Distraction Methods On Behaviour Of Children During Induction Of Nitrous Oxide Sedation In Pediatric Dentistry

Introduction: Audio distraction is a non-aversive distraction technique in which patients are made to listen to music or stories during a stressful procedure. Nitrous oxide sedation is used for patients who experience dental anxiety and fear but the induction process itself can be anxiety provoking due to the use of a nasal hood, hence use of different audio distraction techniques during nitrous oxide inhalation are compared in this study. It involves a combination of two basic behaviour guidance techniques namely audio distraction and nitrous oxide inhalation. Materials and Methods: This study included children below 6 years of age and were divided randomly into 3 groups. Group A (10)- White noise, Group B (10)- Nursery rhymes and Group C (10)-Control group which had movie songs playing in the background. Results: There was no statistical significance between the 3 audio distraction groups but it was found that the white noise group helped in rendering better treatment as the children could respond to the operator’s instructions and listen to the soothing music at the same time. Conclusion: Usage of white noise as a distraction method is a good option as it is soothing and acceptable by all children.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Music; Distraction; Behaviour Guidance; Nitrous Oxide; Inhalation.

ISSN: 2377-8075


EOI/DOI: doi:

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