The choice of profession is one of the most important choices in
the life of the contemporary person. It influences the future prosperity, nuances the
standard of living, creates conditions for self-actualization of the personality.
The article reveals the results of an empirical study conducted with 20 students
majoring in Primary School Pedagogy with a Foreign Language, who study
at the Faculty of Education of the Trakia University, Stara Zagora.
The object of the study is the professional choice of students majoring in
Primary School Pedagogy with a Foreign Language.
The subject of the research is the satisfaction with the made professional
An attempt has been made to reveal the relationship between professional
choice and the complex of personal qualities necessary for the practice of the profession
of a primary school teacher.
Research methods: content analysis, test questionnaire, percentile analysis,
rank scaling
The results reveal a high level of satisfaction with the professional choice of
students. Satisfaction with the choice of profession is interrelated with the selfassessment
of the qualities they possess.
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Author Name: Mariya Slavova Teneva
Keywords: education, choice of the teaching profession, satisfaction with the professional choice
ISSN: 1312-286Х
EISSN: 2535-1125
EOI/DOI: 10.15547/YbFE.2020.10
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