The formation of professional reflection in students of pedagogy
is related to the effectiveness of their pedagogical realization. On the basis of the
concept of "cooperation of activity" and the related "reflexive outcome" of the time
of action (Shchedrovitsky, 1974), psychological mechanisms of reflection are analyzed.
When meeting a barrier and the impossibility to carry out a specific activity,
the subject of the student is provoked to realize new ones according to changing
conditions. The need for reflective analysis arises.
Through a system of learning reflexive tasks, students repeatedly perform
both partial and complete reflective analysis. They are exercised in practical mastery
of mental logical operations - definition, concretization, reformulation, classification,
evidence, argumentation, comparison / differentiation, identification /
abstraction, generalization, formulation of hypotheses and others. In this way, students
are taught to assess, according to the acquired theoretical knowledge, whether
the relevant knowledge, actions, operations, means, methods were appropriate or
not, and to look for new ones more adequate to the changed situation.
Six main components (stages) of the psychological mechanisms of the reflexive
process are determined: 1) reflexive outcome; 2) intensity; 3) initial categorization;
4) construction of the system of reflexive means; 5) schematization of
reflective content; 6) objectification of reflexive description (Tyutkov, 1987). They
contradict subsequently and can be purposefully formed and developed in students
in the form of the last units during their preparation. This can be the basis for a
technological form of training for reflection in the case of students-future pedagogues.
The analysis of the psychological mechanism for the formation of professional
reflection creates an opportunity to design such a system of student education
in which reflection is accepted not only as an approach to learning, but also as
a subject of its purposeful formation.
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Author Name: Tiha Atanasova Delcheva
Keywords: psychological mechanisms, reflexive result, components-stages, professional reflection, reflexive tasks
ISSN: 1312-286Х
EISSN: 2535-1125
EOI/DOI: 10.15547/YbFE.2021.09
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