A field experiment was done in the Old Himalyan Piedmont Plan Soil of Bangladesh at Wheat Research sub-center, Dinajpur-5200 to study the effect of application of rock phosphate (PR) in comparison with TSP as a source of P on the growth and yield of BRRI Dhan 39 rice during transplanted aman season. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications of each treatment. The treatments were T1: control (0kg P ha-1), T2: PR (35kg Pha-1), T3: TSP (35kg P ha-1), and T4: PR (210kg P ha-1). Basal application was made with N, K, S and Zn. The results indicated that there was no statistical difference in dry matter yield at maximum tillering stage, but at panicle initiation stage the differences became evident over control treatment. Among the yield and yield contributing characters, the effective tillers hill-1, filled grains panicle-1 grain yield and straw yield were significantly varied with P treatments. The highest grain yield was recorded in T4 treatment and the lowest yield and the lowest yield in control treatment. The yields due to different treatments ranked in the order of T4> T3> T2 > T1. The N, P, K and S contents as well as uptake by rice plant were also increased due to application of different treatment. The maximum N, P, K and S content as well as uptake in rice plant, grain and straw were recorded in T4 treatment. The economic results showed that the highest net benefit of Tk. 21207 ha-1 was obtained in T4 Treatment followed by Tk. 20930 ha-1, Tk. 17918 ha-1 and Tk. 16084 ha-1 in T3, T2 and control treatments, respectively. The highest net benefit was obtained in T4 treatment with higher rate of P but TSP (T3 treatment) has better performance over rock phosphate (T2 treatment) having the same rate of phosphorus (35kg P ha-1).
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Author Name: Md. Motasim Ahmmed
Keywords: Rock phosphate, Triple super phosphate, Rice yield, Economic benefit
EISSN: 2312-7945
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