

Myth and Realities of the Occurrence of Female Early Marriage among the People of Oron LGA of Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria and the Need for Social Work Intervention

Like most developing countries of the world, female early marriage is prevalent in Nigeria. This practice has negative implications on the overall life styles of these girls. This study is therefore aimed at ascertaining the occurrence of female early marriage among the people of Oron LGA of Akwa-Ibom State. Questionnaire was used to elicit information from respondents (N=94) and data were analysed with the use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Findings revealed that people of Oron LGA practice female early marriage because of poverty, illiteracy, girls being regarded as economic burden etc. The study equally revealed that limited educational attainment, early pregnancy, complications during birth etc are some of the negative implications of female early marriage. The study recommended that measures such as poverty eradication, educational campaigns, sensitization of community leaders on the dangers associated with female early marriage should be put in motion to at least reduce the ugly practice of female early marriage in Oron LGA in particular and Nigeria in general.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Early/Child Marriage, Female, Myth and Reality, Occurrence, Prevalence

ISSN: 2581-7922

EISSN: 2581-7922


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