

Prevention & Management of Viral Fevers and Respiratory Tract Infections – An Ayurvedic Approach

Fever is the most common manifestation of infection and refers to a core temperature of greater than 100.4°F (38.0°C), which occurs due to an increase in hypothalamic ‘set point’ for temperature. Respiratory tract infection refers to any kind of infection especially bacterial or viral involving the respiratory tract. There is no direct explanation regarding virus, viral fever, and associated respiratory tract infections in Ayurvedic classics. The basic concepts of which were taken from Jwara (fever) and Kasa (cough) Prakarana (chapter). Viral fever can be considered as Abhishanga Jwara, a type of Agantu (caused by external factors) Jwara which is caused by Bhutadi (microorganisms) and is Sannipathika (vitiation of three Dosha) in nature. Respiratory tract infections are due to exposure to Agantu factors like Rajas (dust), Dhooma (fumes), and they are mostly Kapha Vata Pradhana Sannipathika in nature. This review is an attempt to understand viral fever and viral infections of respiratory tract through Ayurvedic principles and thereby utilizing the preventive and curative principles mentioned in Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Jwara, Kasa and Swasa (breathing disorders) for the preventive and management aspects of the emerging deadly viral infections.

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Keywords: Viral Fever, Respiratory tract infection, Abhishanga Jwara, Kapha Vata Pradhana Sannipatha


EISSN: 2350-0204


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