Reading comprehension has a fundamental role in social adaptation and the cognitive functioning of every person.
The acquisition of reading skills is a major priority for every educational system. It is a main research goal with a different research field for psychologists, teachers, methodologists and others. In an attempt to reveal and describe the essence of reading, multiple theories have been formulated, which consider it from a different viewpoint and provide a different answer to many of the questions related to reading comprehension.
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Author Name: Antonia Toneva Krasteva, Miroslava Petkova Miteva-Teneva
Keywords: theories on reading, reading comprehension, communication theory, cognitive theory, psychological theory, neurophysiological theory, semiotic theory, information theory, sociological theory
ISSN: 1312-286Х
EISSN: 2535-1125
EOI/DOI: 10.15547/YbFE.2022.14
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