The way to clarify the concept of the
human resources competence of The
Indonesian National Police (POLRI) is
believed to be a key factor in determining
the success of the police organization.
Currently, POLRI has implemented an open
position promotion program which one of
the stages uses the Assessment Center to
exam managerial competence. This research
aims to analyze the policies and impact of
assessment center implementation in
supporting of the open positions promotion.
The Researchers apply qualitative
approaches with data collection techniques
in the form of observations, interviews and
document studies. The results of the study
findings concluded that the Assessment
Center implementation policy in support of
open promotion in the narrow sense has
been implemented although incomplete. In
a broad sense, the implementation of
assessment center policies in supporting of
open promotion has not been successful and
has not given a positive impact. This is
because The Indonesian National Police as
a bureaucratic organization, does not fully
have the organizational capacity that is the
backbone of bureaucracy, which involves:
organizational structure; mechanism of
work; human resources; financial support as
well as resources needed to work. These
four elements have not been able to realize
optimal conditions and support each other
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Author Name: Albertus Recky Robertho, Hardi Warsono
Keywords: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI), Assessment Centre, Assessor, Implementation, Empowerment.
ISSN: 2637-2150
EISSN: 2637-2614
EOI/DOI: 10.7251/STED2201127R
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