

New Analogues of the Pascal Triangle and Electronic Clouds in Atom

A new flat analogue of Pascal’s triangle based on the consideration of parts of regular polygons (regular hexagon, regular icosagon, etc.) is proposed. The classification of nuclear models of an atom is clearly shown: with circular, elliptical, cloudy and belt orbits of electrons. The belt model of atom consisting of a system of rays, a layer of electrons moving along wavy trajectories can be represented as a “cloud of trajectories.” A comparison is made of various types of wavy trajectories: a broken wavy trajectory, the trajectory made up of parts of a regular polygon and the sinusoidal path. It is shown that many calculations for our system of rays can be performed not only for rays that are inclined at small angles (smallangle paraxial approximation), but also for rays that are inclined at any angles, the results of such calculations will coincide. It has been suggested that it is possible to more fully explain the origin of the splitting of atomic spectral lines and fullerene schemes construction.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: A new flat analogue of Pascal’s triangle based on the consideration of parts of regular polygons (regular hexagon, regular icosagon, etc.) is proposed. The classification of nuclear models of an atom is clearly shown: with circular, elliptical, cloudy and belt orbits of electrons. The belt model of atom consisting of a system of rays, a layer of electrons moving along wavy trajectories can be represented as a “cloud of trajectories.” A comparison is made of various types of wavy trajectories: a broken wavy trajectory, the trajectory made up of parts of a regular polygon and the sinusoidal path. It is shown that many calculations for our system of rays can be performed not only for rays that are inclined at small angles (smallangle paraxial approximation), but also for rays that are inclined at any angles, the results of such calculations will coincide. It has been suggested that it is possible to more fully explain the origin of the splitting of atomic spectral lines and fullerene schemes construction.

ISSN: 2517-5718


EOI/DOI: 10.31021/acs.20181114

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