In most of the cases, the friction is considered as a negative side-effect concerning energy loss following every process of the power transmission. However, the friction has significant positive side effects, because it is an indispensable prerequisite for the movement of people, machines, transportation means and others. Efficiency of these movements mostly depends on the friction between rubber and different materials such as metals, concrete, earth, wood, plastic, etc. Certain standards relating to measurement and determination of the friction characteristics of rubber were established. However considering that tribology of the rubber is very complex problem, numerous studies around the world are conducted. This paper gives an overview of some of the existing standards and conducted researches in this area. The paper also provides an overview of theoretical and experimental studies of friction the rubber and the other materials, which are done at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš.
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Author Name: D. Stamenkovi?, M. Nikoli?, M. Miloševi?, M. Bani?, A. Miltenovi?, M. Mijajlovi?
Keywords: Coefficient of static friction, Rubber, Tribology, Slip resistance, Standards
ISSN: 0354-8996
EISSN: 2217-7965
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