

Use of ICT Applications: Gender Inequality

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications such as television, radio, cellular phones, internet, etc are being used by every person in the society and all the persons are benefitted from use of these technological applications. Due to the social and cultural barriers, women, especially living in towns and rural areas are deprived from use of the internet and related applications. Though internet facilities are available in all villages and towns, still women are hesitated to avail these facilities. Generally women have to visit Cyber Cafes to use internet and related applications and the cyber cafes are located in areas, where women are hesitated to visit. Further, parents are also restricting their girl children to visit cyber cafes. It is also not possible to majority of the families to go for internet at their homes. Further, there is also lack of training in use of ICT for the girls. Due to some indecent and pornographic web sites, many of the people believe that the use of internet spoil the personal character of girls. Due to all these reasons, the girls are deprived from use of ICT. It is concluded with the remarks that the parents should know the advantages of ICT and train their girl children in use of ICT for their overall development.

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ISSN: 2277-8179

EISSN: 2277 - 8179

EOI/DOI: 10.15373/22778179

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