

E-learning Emergence

The advancement of computers and networking has provided and is providing a new means to support learning in a more personalized, flexible, portable and on demand. In last decade the commercialization has occurred in the field of education, and knowledge–based economy has increased a lot. The innovative and new ways of delivering education have surfaced causing some dramatic changes in learning technology and organisations. E-learning or electronic learning is one such process that is gaining momentum at a very fast pace. In this paper analysis has been done to find the positive and negative impacts of e-learning. The days of the traditional classroom are far from over; e-learning is going to become a powerful supplement to traditional teaching methods, not replace it entirely.

Real Time Impact Factor: 0.66667

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Keywords: E-learning, Teaching method, Virtual classroom

ISSN: 0974-0643

EISSN: 0976-4658

EOI/DOI: 10.14429/dbit.26.2.3676

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