An unknown person in the dress of ‘sadhu’ (sage) offered “prasad” to a man aged 35 years, who was travelling in train. Consumption of “prasad” caused him stupor and drowsy and later he was robbed. The investigation revealed the presence of datura in “prasad”. Here, a non-fatal case of accidental poisoning of datura in a male aged 35 years is presented along with a brief description about the management and literature review regarding datura poisoning.
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Author Name: Vishal V Koulapur, Prasanna S. Jirli, Ravindra S. Honnungar, S. S. Pujar, Santosh Patil.
Keywords: Vishal V Koulapur, Prasanna S. Jirli, Ravindra S. Honnungar, S. S. Pujar, Santosh Patil.
ISSN: 2394-6768
EISSN: 2394-6776
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