

Aphyllophoroid Fungi of Interfluve of the Amur-River and the Zeya-River (the Amur Region)

Species composition, ecology and expansion of aphillophoroid fungi on Amur-Zeya interfluve area are discussed in the article. 113 species of aphillophoroid fungi belonging to 65 genera, 28 families and 10 orders are revealed in field studies in 2001–2006 and 2013. 46 species were identified for the first time on the interflluve area, 11 species of them were new for the Amur region and Chantharellus borealis was new for Russia. 11 species listed in the Red data book of the Amur region, Cryptoporus volvatus and Auriscalpium vulgare attract the most interest from them. Polyporaceae family of aphillophoroid fungi (27 species) is the largest in number. We selected 7 ecological trophic groups in the mycobiota of the area, the group saprotrophs on dead wood was the most species diversity of all aphillophoroid fungi (70 %). The most found species are associated with the dominant species of the study area – with pine (softwood) with oak and birch (hardwood). Widely occurring aphillophoroid fungi species were predominated, while substrate specificity fungi species disappeared off the list, for example, biologically valuable forest indicator species (such as Fomitopsis cajanderi) were missing or meet single due to high anthropogenic impact on the Amur-Zeya interfluve forest ecosystems.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Basidiomycota, Aphillophoroid fungi. Chantharellus borealis, Cryptoporus volvatus, Auriscalpium vulgare, Polyporaceae, Russian Far East

ISSN: 2308-8745



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