

Leaching behavior of Kresoxim-Methyl and Acid Metabolite in normal and sludge amended inceptisol soil

Kresoxim-methyl, a strobilurin fungicide, is a broad spectrum, foliar fungicide. Leaching studies conducted with kresoxim methyl and acid metabolite separately revealed that in column soil >90% of the kresoxim methyl undergo hydrolysis and changed into acid metabolite. Acid metabolite showed more leaching potential than the parent molecule. Residues moved to the lower soil depth with increasing amount of rainfall. Increasing the organic matter content of the soil by sludge amendment (5%) reduced the leaching potential of both the compounds. With the same amount of rainfall, leaching was found to be more under discontinuous flow than continuous flow treatment.

Real Time Impact Factor: 1.33333

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Keywords: Kresoxim-methyl; acid metabolite; Sludge; soil column; leaching

ISSN: 0974-1712

EISSN: 2230-732X

EOI/DOI: 10.5958/2230-732X.2015.00001.7

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