The research aim was to highlighted the fact that by crossing the local sheep (Merinos) and meat production
specialized breed there are obtained good quality meat production lambs with superior performances besides the local
breed performances.
There were conducted two experimental groups, the control group consisting of 50 sheep were mated by the same breed
rams and the experimental group consisting of 50 Merinos sheep mated by Ile de France rams. It was determined the
body weight of lambs at birth, of one month age, two months age, three months age and at the age of delivery, at six
months. 5 lambs were slaughtered in each group and there was calculated the slaughter yield
There conclusions were drawn:
1. The crossbred lambs, males and females had a larger weight than the lambs from the control group at all the ages
the determinations were made.
2. The slaughter yield was higher in crossbred lambs comparatively the ones in the control group.
3. By industrial crossing there was achieved an improvement of the growth speed and the slaughter yield, obtaining
superior quality carcasses, very well quoted in EUROP classifying system.
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Author Name: Vasile B?CIL? , Ion ROSU , Cristinel Gigi SONEA , Annamaria B?CIL?
Keywords: lambs, slaughter, carcasses
ISSN: 2285-5750
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