The object of research was the cattle of dairy production. In the Republic of Moldova to the early 80-ies of the last
century were used Red Steppe and Simmental cattle breeds that have a low potential for milk production, poor
adaptability to machine milking. The material is animals, which was converted to the type of high-yielding dairy cattle.
The transformation was carried out by cross-breeding cows the Red Steppe and Simmental bulls with black-and-White
and Holstein breeds. The purpose was to study the effectiveness of selection for a new breed of dairy cattle. As a result
of breeding hybrids of different genotypes it was found that they had an average milk production advantage the cows
local breeds. On the efficiency of the selection process in the dairy farming is evidenced by the fact that by the end of
the third stage of launch a new type in the country for 550 farms and complexes average milk yield per cow per year
was 3500 kg of milk and in 51 - more than 5000 kg. Yield of milk from one cow in all categories of farms reached 4016
kg of milk.By 2000, the program for launch a new type has been completed, and in 2008 was approved Moldavian type
of black-and-white cattle. In the alelophond of a new type of bulls in locus AEB prevails genetical markers G2Y2E'1Q',
G2Y1D', G1I1, I2, O1, B2G2, B2O1Y2D', B2O1, B1O3Y2A'2E'1P'Q'G", Y2E'2G'O', Q', E'3, E'3Q', I' .
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Author Name: Alexandra KONSTANDOGLO, Valentin FOCSHA, Ernst SMIRNOV, Vasiliy KURULUK
Keywords: alleles, body measurements, cattle, hybrids, new type of cattle.
ISSN: 2285-5750
EISSN: 2393 – 2260
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