This paper describes comparative aspects of the qualitative features of lamb pelts in two populations of lambs belonging
to two farm types of Karakul sheep: elite farm within the R-DSSGB and private farm within the SGBA "MOLDOOVIS"
Botosani. The qualitative analysis of lamb pelts by the complex (multifactorial) estimation method revealed the morphological
and production superiority of individuals from elite farm compared to those from private farm concerning their distribution
in zootechnical (breeding) classes. In the elite farm three quarters of lambs are in Record class and a quarter of them
belong to Elite class; the presence of individuals in I-st
class is sporadic. In contrast, in the private farm, half of individuals
fall within the Elite class and only a third of them are in the Record class; the lambs belonging to Ist
class have a relatively
high frequency. Differences between the two farms regarding the lamb pelt quality have statistical assurance validated
by high value of the test ?
(253.39***). The differences between the two types of farms, in this respect, would be caused
by the accuracy of selection system and of reproduction process. In the elite farm the selection pressure is more intense
and the activities of selection and mating matching are made with a higher accuracy than in the private farm. Also, in
private farm the selection was focused on immediate commercial characters (shape and size of curls) whereas in the
elite farm the selection works took into account the setting of some finer characteristics (such as lustre and quality of
hair fibre). However, due to the fact that in both populations the zootechnical classes IInd and IIIrd are missing shows
that in both kinds of farms the animal selection is made accurately, with rigor distinctions between them.
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Author Name: Ionic? NECHIFOR1 , Gheorghe HRINC?1 , Claudia Ionela NECHIFOR2 , Alexandru Marian FLOREA1 , Mihail GROZA
Keywords: Botosani Karakul sheep, lamb pelts.
ISSN: 2285-5750
EISSN: 2393 – 2260
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