The promising direction of determine of air drag force is semi-empirical approach based on its approximation by functions that may describe by the analytical expressions based on the experimental data of ballistic firing individual projectile. Nowadays, this is possible using a computer and does not require significant hardware and solving with sufficient artillery range tables accuracy. The accuracy of determining the median total error in determining the reference range for the value by the artillery range tables was evaluated in the article and the accuracy and reliability of the determination of the reference median error range from experimental data shooting was evaluated. The results of calculations the median error reference range for 122 mm howitzer D-30 by shooting for the experimental data and was compared with theoretical data.
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Author Name: Volodymyr I. Hrabchak, Semen V. Bondarenko
Keywords: reference range; Artillery range tables; the median error; the experimental shooting; confidence limits; accuracy and reliability of the estimates
ISSN: 2311-7249
EISSN: 2410-7336
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