The basic objectives of the private sectors are to be obtaining maximum profits out of the business operations. So private sector industries select such a site which reaps maximum economic advantage. Such a policy results in the concentration or localization of industries in certain areas leaving the other areas underdeveloped. Such a policy distorts the quality of income, wealth and opportunities. So the government being the custodian of public interest intervenes in the locational decisions as under:
(1) Through the licensing policy, it restricts the concentration of industries in developed areas.
(2) It provides certain tempting incentives for the spread of the industries in the industrially backward areas.
(3) It establishes the giant public sector units in the relatively less developed areas.
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Author Name: Professor: Mohammad Ashraf Parry
Keywords: Govt, control, industries, location
ISSN: 2454-2326
EISSN: 2454-2326
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