As per Rajatarangi Kashmir valley was a lake called Satisar the river of kings. It is all most surround by the great himalayas and the pir panjal range.
For hundrand of millon years Kahmir valley remained under sea, According to hindu mythology, the lake was drained by the great rishi or sage kahsyap son of marchi, son of brahma, by cutting the gap in hills at baramulla when kashmir has been draned. Geologists belive that kashmir valley was earlier affected by earthquakes and the water of satisar lake flowed out living behind lacustrine mud on the marigan of the mountains known as karewas.The karewas are mostely found in west of river jehlum were these table lands attain a hight of about 385 meter above the level of the valley. These karewas protrude towards the east and look like tangue shaped. As a result of an earthquake, the water that filled the area formed the wular lake, the largest lake in India
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Author Name: Mushtaq Ahmad Dar
Keywords: Soil, Types, Vegetation, Kashmir, Vally
ISSN: 2454-2326
EISSN: 2454-2326
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