

An Effective Environment Management A Key for Susta inable Development

Sustainable Development is the key issue for human survival in today’s world. It is the concept of rational adjustment of man with nature. Human beings are at cross road. Our common future and the future of those who are yet to be borne tomorrow on the earth much depends upon how wisely we act today and how judiciously we use the resources and embark on the path of sustainability. Drastic environmental changes taking place throughout our planet. These changes were due to population explosion, rapid industrialization, urbani sation, motorization, farmization and energization which are necessary to sustain human life and fulfil their needs and aspirations. This paper will elaborate on the need of sustainable development with the discovery of new strategies of development and eco-technology which minimize pollution, new alternative source s of energy which would entail minimum damage to the environment. Environment Management also need to create awareness of Environment Education which attempts to create a pro-environmental attitude and behavioural pattern in society that is creating sustainable life style. Sustainable development is a simple idea of ensuring a better quality for everyone and for generation to come.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Effective, Environment, Management A Key , Susta, inable, Development

ISSN: 2454-2326

EISSN: 2454-2326


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