The Panchayat Raj is a SouthAsian political system mainly in India, Pakistan, and Nepal. "Panchayat" literally means assembly (ayat) of five (panch) wise and respected elders chosen and accepted by the local community. Traditionally, these assemblies settled disputes between individuals and villages. (Rohit Mullick & Neelam Raaj) Panchayat is an oldest concept in India and in a way it is the earliest concept of democracy in history of Civilization. The concept of five elected seniors in a village a form of self-government of the originationTo settle down matters of dispute of community has not found anywhere else in the world, as recorded By Chinese travelers in their diaries.Panchayats have been existence inIndia from verly early times. While empires rose and fall, village panchayats continued to survive giving continuity to Indian village Traditions theVedas,Rigveada in particular, revel that ancient Hindus used to lead a corporate life. Valmiki;s Ramayana, and the Mahabharata have also described existence of such institutions . Actually The inspiration for panchayati Raj is derived from the tradition of punch parmeshwar where God speaks Through the five and the official publications speak of village republic.Now we shell review theHistorical background of the panchayat system in india since vedic age.(Malaviya,H.D.1956)
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Author Name: Ashak Hussain Malik
Keywords: Panchayati Raj, History, India
ISSN: 2454-2326
EISSN: 2454-2326
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