The study is based on the results of an impact of panchayati raj research survey conducted in state of Utter Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir to know about the various aspects of this system and record it’s impact on various social and economic parameters of the people of Utter Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. It was found that this system has caused various changes in the life of people of above mentioned states, but the aspiration of people were not fully fulfilled. People are wishing for reforms in this system. The people of the area are well aware about panchayati raj. 900 people were interviewed in this regard and from the information gathered, a total of 36 districts Out of the 36 districts 18 from Utter Pradesh, 13 from Madhya Pradesh and 5 from Jammu and Kashmir .The precious panchayati raj information is disappearing very fast. This study is useful in conserving this precious knowledge.
Panchayat as an institution has been functioning in rural India since time imorial. While empires rose and fell, village panchayats ontinued to survive giving continuity to the india village community. Vedas and the Rigveda in particular reveal that Hindus in ancient India used to lead a coporate life. Valmik’s Ramayana and vedvyas ‘Mahabharat have also describedexistence of such institutions. Actually the inspirationfor panchayati Raj emanates from the notions of “Panch Parmeshwar” and village Republics. Ramayana and Mahabharata contain description of structure and compostion of village Panchayats in early vadic times. Institution of village Sabha or assembaly continued till18th century. Panchayats have beenan integral part of the rural cultural heritage. Village councils and officials in india can be traced as far back as the vedic age. These autonomous councils and their personnel controlled village administration, civic and judicial affairs during the Maurya, Gupta, and the Mughal periods. They played a significant part in ensuring the countinuity of village life through the ages.
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Author Name: Ashak Hussain Malik
Keywords: Panchayati Raj, Impact , India
ISSN: 2454-2326
EISSN: 2454-2326
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