

Evaluation of grain yield and water productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in different planting method and irrigation regimes

This experiment was carried out at split plot in randomized complete block design with three replications at Rice Research Institute, Amol, Iran, in 2011. Main plots was cultivation methods (puddling soil transplanted and furrow transplanted) and sub plots was irrigation regimes in five levels including {I1: full flooding with height of 3-5 cm the growth period; I2: periodic irrigation with 3-5 cm height during the growth period (after the disappearance of surface water irrigation); I3: irrigation to a height of 5 cm, two days after the disappearance of surface water; I4: irrigation to a height of 5 cm, four days after the disappearance of surface water; I5: permanently saturated during growth period}. Results showed the plant height, total tiller number, 1000 grain weight, water used rate and conversion factor in puddling transplanting were more than furrow transplanting. Grain yield in puddling method (6843.60 kg ha-1 ) because of increased filled spikelet number per panicle and 1000 grain weight was more than furrow method. Water productivity in furrow method more than puddling method. The maximum grain yield (6112 kg ha-1 ) was produced in T1, that main reason was increased filled spikelet number per panicle, and the least grain yield was observed in I4. The most water productivity shown in I5. The maximum grain yield equivalent to 6780 kg ha-1 was produced at interaction of puddling method in I1.

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Keywords: Grain yield, Irrigation, Planting method, Rice, Water productivity

ISSN: -2077-4370



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