

The Effect of Intense Warm up on Respiratory Function During Maximal Exercise in Women Basketball

Warm-up exercise are designed to prepare the body for ensuring sporting activity They have two functions (i) to prevent injury and (ii) to enhance performance. The purpose of this study was to compare the total oxygen consumed during maximal exercise after both severe and moderate heat on Tehran's female basketball players. In this study seven elite female basketball players with an average age of 21 ± 25/1 years and mean height in centimeters and weight 166/8 ± 3/27& 60/85 ± 5/76 kg purposefully through a bunch of basketball teams Tehran province were selected. They participated in two separate sessions of the two protocols heating medium (with 65% of maximum heart rate) and extreme heat (with 85% of maximum heart rate) were performed for six minutes before exercise, After maximal exercise protocols based on the balk and Weber performed until exhaustion. Respiratory indices by gass analysis system was used to measure respiratory 600ZAN model and assessment of body composition Body Composition meter Body In 5/5 Venus model was used. The results showed that the amount of oxygen ventilation during maximal exercise after severe heat score significantly higher than average after heating at zero, 3, 6 and 9, respectively.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: heating, maximal exercise, pulmonary ventilation, respiratory equivalent

ISSN: 2077-4532



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