

Controlling anger from the perspective of religion: theoretical and practical approaches as a necessity of ethical and mental health of physicians and nurses

Controlling anger from the perspective of religion: theoretical and practical approaches as a necessity of ethical and mental health of physicians and nurses Modaber MH1*, Eslami Akbar R2 Received:7/10/2013 Accepted:1/5/2014 1. Dept of Islamic Knowledge, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, jahrom, Iran 2. Dept of Nursing. Nursing and Paramedical School. Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, jahrom, Iran Journal of Education and Ethics in Nursing, Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2014 Abstract Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to introduce and recognize academic practices and skills and strategies to manage anger from the perspective of religious training to doctors and nurses. Materials and Methods: This study was done in the form of reviewing the literature, namely the use of professional nursing and medical articles and Islamic sources including both Shiite and Sunni and the application of Islamic sciences software such as :( Erfan 2 – JamiAhadith 3.5 – JamiTafasir 2). Results: According to religious sources and aphorisms quoted by imams and religious scholars for anger control and prevention of extremism in it, at least two major recommendations have been expressed: One is "patience" means tolerance and other "appease the wrath" which is in fact the same as anger control. Numerous other approaches were mentioned in religious texts, and some of them have theoretical and cognitive aspects. Some also have practical and behavioral aspects, each of these are mechanisms to subdue the rebellious soul. This paper presents six theoretical approaches and seven practical strategies from the perspective of Islamic ethics. Conclusion: Islam has not merely expressed a general content about anger management. Instead, it provides practical solutions. Firstly, because of the priority of these teachings over modern psychology and Secondly, due to the trust of doctors and nurses Muslim community in religious teachings, studying this issue in the perspective of religious teachings increases the possibility of their accentuation and application by them.

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Keywords: Anger Management, Anger Control, Anger Management skill, Doctors, Nurses, Islam


EISSN: 2322-5300


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