Data orbital and airborne sensors represent an esse
ntial source of data in
topographic mapping. Therefore, the aim of this wor
k is to compare three Digital
Elevation Models (DEMs): ASTER, SRTM and TOPODATA,
with planialtimetric
digital model on a rural property with old gold min
ing operation, located in the
municipality of Paranaíta-MT. The orbital data for
analysis were acquired free of
charge, and homogenized in the same cartographic pr
ojection system, being then
possible to extract the altitudes to points of coor
dinates (x, y) of planialtimetric the
field survey. Subsequently carried out a quantitati
ve and qualitative analysis of the
accuracy of altitudes. Then we used image sensor l'
Observation Système Pour la
Terre (SPOT) to classify land cover and land use, i
n order to investigate the relations
of classes with altimetric accuracy of the sensors.
Qualitative analysis compared the
DEMs differ in distinct ways with advantages and li
mitations. The DEM ASTER has
higher spatial resolution, but shows some discontin
uity in some areas, and
underestimate altitudes in areas of dense forest, i
n contrast, showed excellent results
in the quantitative analysis by Mean Squared (9.69)
method compared with
TOPODATA 10.83 and SRTM 11.07. In qualitative analy
showed better results compared to other DEMs, howev
er, with limitations related to
the identification of variations in bit wavy relief
areas. Relating the qualitative and
quantitative variables, TOPODATA showed best agreem
ent between digital elevation
models, compared to the survey.
Real Time Impact Factor:
Author Name: Otacílio Santos de Araújo, Everton Valdomiro Pedroso Brum, Edgley Pereira da Silva, Charles Caioni, Wesley Vicente Claudino
Keywords: Attributes of land; conventional optical stereosco py; interferometry.
ISSN: 1809-0583
EISSN: 2317-2606
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