Herbal hand sanitizer was prepared using leaves extracts of Ocimum sanctum, Eugenia caryophyllus and Cymbopogon flexuous. The antibiotic sensitivity test of the prepared herbal hand sanitizer against skin pathogens was checked using disc diffusion method and results were compared with commercially available synthetic hand sanitizer. Results depicted that the herbal hand sanitizer gives larger inhibition zone than the commercially available synthetic hand sanitizer against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The efficacy of herbal hand sanitizer was evaluated using microorganism suspensions; which revealed that the herbal hand sanitizer is efficient in reducing higher number of microorganism from the hands as compared to commercial synthetic hand sanitizer. Thus, owing to higher antimicrobial activity and efficacy these herbal extracts can be used in the preparation of herbal hand sanitizers on commercial scale.
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Author Name: Mithun A. Thombare*, Babaso V. Udugade, Tushar P. Hol, Manoj B. Mulik, Dnyaneshwar A. Pawade
Keywords: Hand Hygiene, Extraction, Antimicrobial Activity, Herbal Sanitizer.
ISSN: 2231-6876
EOI/DOI: 10.1044/1980-iajpr.150134
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