

Integrated management of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) diseases under mid-hill sub-humid conditions of Himachal Pradesh

An experiment comprising of ten treatments was conducted on commercial variety Solan Gola to study the effect of different cultural/sanitation practices alone or in combination with fungicidal sprays on the incidence of foliar and fruit rot diseases of tomato. All the treatments were superior to control but none of the treatment could surpass the standard check. However, recommended chemical control of diseases and weeds recorded a marketable yield statistically at par with the standard check. Minimum incidence of Alternaria (6.65%) and buckeye rots (6.20%) were recorded in the standard check. Removal of diseased plant parts only and hand weeding only recorded significantly higher marketable fruit yield and lower incidence of fruit rots as compared to the control. Removal of lower leaves produced higher yield and recorded significantly lower incidence of diseases in comparison to the treatments where this practice was not followed.

Real Time Impact Factor: 2

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Keywords: Tomato, buckeye rot, alternaria, cultural practices, fungicides.

ISSN: 0976-7606

EISSN: 2230-7338


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