Stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) is one of the most popular indigenous catfish having considerable potential for aquaculture and commercial importance in Bangladesh. With a view to assessing the genetic status of H. fossilis, three samples Chalan Beel (Pabna), Burungi Beel (Jamalpur) and Bagapura Beel (Mymensingh) were analyzed. For genetic variation study, five enzymes (LDH, EST, MDH, PGM and GPI) were used encoded by eight loci of which three were polymorphic (Mdh-1*, Est-1* and Gpi-1*). The highest mean proportion of polymorphic loci, mean number of allele and the mean proportion of heterozygous loci per individual of the Chalan Beel population were observed (25.00%, 1.250 and 6.250%, respectively). The highest gene flow (33.5) and lowest population differentiation (0.0074) found in Burungi Beel-Bagapura Beel indicated the close relationship among them. In the Nei’s UPGMA dendrogram, the Chalan Beel population formed one cluster by the genetic distance of 0.0371 and the other cluster was formed by Burungi beel and Bagapura beel populations (D=0.003). The results suggested that a considerable genetic variation is maintained among the natural H. fossilis populations.
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Author Name: Mohammad Arif Hossain, Sharmin Suraiya, Monjurul Haq, Md. Mukhlesur Rahman Khan
Keywords: Allozyme electrophoresis; stinging catfish; Heteropneustes fossilis; genetic variation; dendrogram
ISSN: 2311-729X
EISSN: 2311-3111
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