

Electrical Conductivity Studies on Pure and Cobalt Added Strontium Tartarate Trihydrate Crystals

Pure and cobalt added strontium tartrate trihydrate crystals were grown using silica gel under laboratory conditions. The D.C. conductivity measurements, IR and XRD spectrum analysis were carried out on the grown crystals.The sharp peaks during XRD analysis clearly emphasized the crystal form. A shift in the frequencies of the doped sample in comparison with the pure sample was documented. Doping influenced the properties and crystals can be designed to meet the needs. The conductivity studies show an increase in conductivity with increase in the amount of Cobalt doped. However, more detailed investigations are needed to elucidate better outcomes.

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ISSN: 2249-555X

EISSN: 2249-555X

EOI/DOI: 10.15373/2249555X

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