

Preliminary assessment on water quality and biodiversity in and around Palak Dil in southern Mizoram, India

The present study was conducted during March to September 2013 at Palak Dil, the largest lake in Mizoram, which is located between 92°52’-92°55’E longitude and 22°10’-22°13’N latitude in the remote part of Mara Autonomous District Council in the southern part of Mizoram near the border of Indo-Burma hotspots region. The Palak Dil is a nationally recognized natural lake and the catchment area is approximately 18.5 sq km and the total water body is around 1.5 sq km only. The water quality, viz. temperature, pH, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, acidity, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, carbon dioxide, total hardness, chloride, nitrate, phosphate and iron were analyzed and found that all the parameters are within the standard limits given by various scientific agencies, but the water is not pure as expected. This can be accrued to the developmental works that were undergoing around the lake. Study on biodiversity was carried out by field enumeration, collection and identification of the flora and fauna. It was observed that the ecosystem in which birds and animals living there is gradually degrading due to anthropogenic activity and developmental works.

Real Time Impact Factor: 0.66667

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Keywords: Assessment; water quality; biodiversity; Palak Dil; Mizoram

ISSN: 0975-6175

EISSN: 2229-6026


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