In pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.), a stable cytoplasmic-genic male sterile system (CMS) of A4 cytoplasm derived from a cross between cultivated and wild relative was developed that opened up the possibility of production of commercial hybrids. Promising stable CMS lines have been developed in India and the hybrids produced with these lines have high heterosis. The use of highly stable CMS will reduce the cost of hybrid seed production by eliminating the task of emasculation. The aim of this study was to investigate the stability of pollen sterility and morphological characteristics of several CMS lines under Kenyan conditions. Three sites; Katumani (1o35’S, 37o,14’E 1,600 m), Kiboko (2o15’S, 37o,45E, 960 m), and Leldet-Nakuru (0o31’E, 0o,09’S, 1,275 m) were selected for evaluation. Six CMS lines, with over 96% cytoplasmic male sterility, and their maintainers were sourced from ICRISAT India and evaluated for two seasons in 2009 in a screen house at Katumani and Kiboko and in an isolated field at Leldet Nakuru. Two CMS lines, ICPA2043 and ICPA2039 were the most stable across sites with 100% and 99% pollen sterility, respectively. Days to flower showed 2 to 11-day variations between the A- and B-lines, but were not significantly different. Performance of the two promising CMS lines under Kenyan conditions for pollen sterility was comparable to the results obtained in India and can, therefore, be used in commercial hybrid breeding.
Keywords: Cytoplasmic male sterility, pigeon pea, fertility stability.
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Author Name: M. N. Makelo, R. Melis and M. Githiri
Keywords: Cytoplasmic male sterility, pigeon pea, fertility stability
EISSN: 2350-1561
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