This paper deals with the Barriers & bottleneck of mobile companies in relation to theircustomers. In the era of globalization each and every sector of business became very critical.Removal of barriers & bottleneck is very crucial in the growth of a company and thus it has become very important for the survival of Mobile Companies business. In the last few years, the number of subscribers to Mobile/cellular phones has tremendously increased, quickly exceeding
those of fixed lines and have become twice more diffused than fixed lines. Besides affordability,there are some other barriers which arise due to many factors like per capita income, occupation
of the villager, distance from the market & presence of electricity. These barriers have been analyzed with the help of questionnaire administered to 300 respondents
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Author Name: Ashok Sinhaq & Nisha Singh
Keywords: Era of Globalization, Per Capita Income, Barriers & Bottleneck
ISSN: 2250 - 0669
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