The world is currently passing through many global-challenges, which demand students to have global competency. This competency is correlated with the intellectual grooming of teachers, who are the last resort to develop aesthetic sense among the future generation. This research study inquires the global mindedness and global preparedness of teachers in Pakistan and its relation with their professional qualification & teaching experience. The population for current study consists of all the public and private school teachers currently teaching at secondary level in Sindh and Punjab, Pakistan. Purposive sampling was used to select the total number of ten schools. Through random sampling n=280 teachers were selected. Hett Global Minded scale was adopted as the major tool for collecting data. For ethical considerations, consent letter was signed by the research participants. Data was analyzed using graphs, tables and statistical calculations, wherever applicable. The results disclosed that the teachers are least global minded in terms of their experience and professional qualifications. Although their theoretical understanding is satisfactory; but the practicality is mislaid. Majority of the participants agreed to have an interaction with multi-cultural society and raise their voice against nonserious attitude of government towards the right of the people. Majority of the participants
are willing to adapt values from other cultures, while large proportion of the participant belief that they are part of global society. Based on the results, recommendations are supplemented.
[Note: Findings of the paper was shared in the form of abstract at the International Conference, ICORE, University of Punjab, 2014]
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Author Name: Munir Moosa Sadruddin & Aasma Amanullah
Keywords: Global Mindedness, school, teachers, Pakistan, education
ISSN: 2221-2663
EISSN: no eissn
EOI/DOI: no doi
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