

Prevalence of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), Jassid (Amrasca biguttula) and Thrips (Thrips tabaci) in standing cotton crop in Toba Tek Singh, Punjab Pakistan

The study was conducted at Pest Warning & Quality Control of Pesticides, Toba Tek Singh, Punjab-Pakistan during 2014. The percentage spot of Above Economic Injury Level (AEIL) of (Bemisia tabaci), Jassid (Amrasca biguttula) and Thrips (Thrips tabaci) was recorded on daily basis then converted into month-wise and compared with metrological data. The data showed that during June 12.30% spots of Whitefly were AEIL with temperature ranged 41.95oC-27.20 oC to which gradually increased in July (16.19%) with temperature ranged 37.87oC-22.15 oC to with relative humidity (64.15-75.08%) and rainfall (4.50-18.53mm). In August-October percentage spots of Above EIL of Whitefly was 12.16% which gradually decreased due to gradual increased in relative humidity up to 84.45% and rainfall 28.15mm. In June, Jassid attack was recorded nil which gradually increased in July (7.95%), August (15.41%) then decreased trend was developed with the passage of time as in September (14.75%) and in October (11.87%). The maximum spot percentage of Thrips was recorded in June (7.12%) and July (9.09%) with relative humidity ranged 64.15%-75.08%. After that in August AEIL spots decreased (5.08%-0%).

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: : Pest, Scouting, Survey, Cotton, Amrasca biguttula, Thrips tabaci, Bemisia tabaci, Toba Tek Singh, Punjab-Pakistan.


EISSN: 2348-8069


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