Article is devoted to a the problem of enrichment of Dagestan languages on the basis of a religious factor. The dialect vocabulary of one of the Dagestan languages (Dargin) in ethnolinguistic aspect is exposed to the analysis. The author reveals the ways of borrowing vo-cabulary of the Dargin language. The analysis of borrowing from the Arabic language is carried out and the question of their functioning is considered for the purpose of defining the role of Islamic factor in its formation and enrichment. The main source is material of a meusisha accent of a muiri dialect of the Dargin language, collected by the author in field conditions. Both common words and proper names are given as examples.
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Author Name: Abdullaeva Zaira Rabadangadzhievna
Keywords: religion, Islam, Islamic factor, Dargin language, meusisha dialect, borrowing.
ISSN: ISSN 2077-8155
EISSN: 2411-0302
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