Disagreements between Sufi branch of Islam and Salafism are one of the reasons for intra tensions in Islam. These differences have deep roots in their theoretical philosophical grounds. Philosophical and metaphysical ideas of Islamic thinkers – in a very consistent connection to their epistemological ideas – and ontology and epistemology of Sufism and Salafism diverge significantly in a number of important points.The autor of the article refers to the historic and philosophical heritage of Islam and considers Islamism as religion from philosophical point view. The between Sufism and fundamental islam result in controvercy within the religion even in every day life.
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Author Name: Bilalov Mustafa Isaevich
Keywords: Sufism, Salafism, ontology, epistemology, monotheism, pantheism
ISSN: ISSN 2077-8155
EISSN: 2411-0302
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